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space station cargo ship gives its all for science

by:KJTDQ     2020-05-13
The final mission is a swan cargo ship carrying garbage and no-longer-
On Wednesday, the required equipment returned to the Earth, hitting about 60 miles above the Pacific Ocean at a speed of nearly 5 miles per second.
Based on past experience, the doomed supply ship is expected to soon be the victim of the enormous temperatures generated by atmospheric friction, warming, melting and disintegration at about 45 miles of altitude.
But when it transitioned from the original spacecraft to the fiery hell, a tightly protected data recorder was programmed to collect readings from wireless sensors installed on the entire vehicle.
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The entry separation recorder (REBR) is placed in a protective aerial enclosure designed to withstand the destruction of the host spacecraft.
After falling to about 11 miles on its own, 19-
It is expected that the pound device will transmit the stored temperature, pressure and orientation data back to scientists through the Iridium satellite telephone network. Similar re-
Early space station cargo ships launched by the European Space Agency and Japan also installed entry recorders.
Data from three successful flights indicate that the major structural disintegration occurred at 74-64 km (46 to 40 miles)
NASA said on its website.
\"According to the data, the main breakup took place at a lower altitude than the current model expected.
Additional data will be required to explain the differences with the model.
Entry break-up Recorder
On March 22, a joint launch Alliance, the Atlas 5 rocket, launched an ATK Cygnus cargo ship in orbit.
More than 3 installed.
Six tons of supplies and equipment were connected to the international space station four days later.
After the station staff unloaded the goods, the freighter was repackaged with 4,087 pounds of the garbage and no garbage. longer-
Equipment needed and released from the laboratory complex on June 14.
After releasing four of the five small \"cubes ---
One deployment failed--
And did it.
To learn more about how fire burns in weightless conditions, the car\'s brake rocket was launched at 8: 44 a. m. m. EDT (GMT-4)
At 9: 22 on Wednesday, the spacecraft returned to the atmosphere. m.
Re-primary goal
Entering the separation study is to learn more about how the spacecraft separates in the atmosphere to help engineers design vehicles that separate in a more controllable way, minimize the threat of debris hitting the ground in densely populated areas.
Apart from the space shuttle Columbia, the Skylab space station and some other well-known examples, there are very few pieces recovered from
Enter the spacecraft
For example, cargo ships on the space station are sent back to the atmosphere above the ocean to prevent debris from hitting the ground.
But large spaceships occasionally cause uncontrollable weight.
Pose a potential risk to the public.
\"Basically, we have a lot of large objects.
These items enter randomly every year, \"said William Ailor, a REBR investigator at Aerospace.
Said in a discussion before nasa TV.
\"These objects may be large enough to cause danger on the ground.
One reason we want to know why things break is to know how to assess the danger.
\"If we can reduce enough danger for these large objects, they can be allowed to re-enter randomly.
This greatly reduces the cost of the spacecraft operators. \"The long-
Range or says that the distance target is called \"death Design\", which means that you can design a spacecraft with features so that it can be separated in a controlled way, hope to eliminate the danger on the ground. \"Break-
The Up recorder can also evolve into something similar to the \"black box\" carried on the aircraft, providing valuable data in the event of a catastrophic failure.
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