KJT-BTL C1 - Profile PA - IO-Link Magnetostrictive linear position sensors in profile housingInquire
KJT-BTL C1 - Profile PA - Analog Magnetostrictive linear position sensors in profile housingMagnetostrictive linear position sensors in profile housingInquire
KJT - BTL C1 - Profile PF - Analog Magnetostrictive linear position sensors in profile housingHigh resolution of up to 0.5 µm Measuring lengths of up to 7620 mm Measures several positions and speeds at the same time Non-contacting, thus free from wear – no downtimes and a long service life Easy integration with equipment through a variety of interfaces – such as IO-Link, Profinet, EtherCAT, SSI, and analogously programmable output signals – in order to invert, configure, and document the measurement range Three housing variants for flexible and fast installation depending on the space requirements and application Floating and captive encodersInquire

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