KJT- 1600 Diffusion Silicon Pressure Transmitteroutput indicator:LED display, with 0-100% pointer head Indication accuracy:士2% migration:The transmitter can be positively relocated at 50% of the calibration range, but the upper limit of the calibration range must not exceed the upper range limit. Negative migration is not allowed. overpressurization:2 digits of the range limit (except range 7: 1.5 times for 60 MPa) Temperature range Operating Temperature Range:- 25C~ 80°C Storage temperature range:-40°C~ 120°C Humidity range:0~100% Relative humidity start-up time:2 seconds, no warm-up required accurate:+0.2% of range, including linearity, variance, and weightability.Inquire
KJT-1604 Compact Pressure Transmitter●:Two-wire output 4-20mA ●:Stainless steel membranes and stainless steel process connections ●:Equipped with diffusion silicon pressure sensor: no loosening of the mechanical structure; good long-term stability; good repeatability ●:Stainless steel housing, protection classes IP65 and EP68 ●:Pressure range standard in accordance with DNI 6128 ●:Overload pressure 2-4 times the measured full scale pressure ●:Overload pressure 2-4 times the measured full scale pressureInquire
Dual Flange Differential Pressure TransmitterInquire
KJT-6102 Capacitive pressure transmitterMeasuring range:-0.1-0- 60MPa Overload limit:1.5-3 times the rated range Comprehensive accuracy:0.5%FS 0.2%FS output signal:4-20mA、0-5V、 1-5V、0-10V、 0.5-4.5V The output voltage:12- 36VDC Medium temperature:-20-80℃ Storage environment:-40-85°C≤95%RH stability:0.2%FS年 process interface:M20*1.5、G1/2、G1/4 Electrical Interface:Waterproof connector (IP68)Inquire
KJT- -6102MU Capacitance Level TransmitterInquire
KJT-XAQC-1600 Explosion-proof temperature transmitter●:Two-wire output, no compensation wire required; ●:Strong anti-interference ability and good remote transmission performance; ●:Simple structure, reasonable and convenient installation; ●:Miniaturization, reliable installation and long service life; ●:Two-wire and three-wire input methods are passed; ●:The digital display displays the temperature on-site with high definition and no visual error; ●:Explosion-proof level: ExdII CT6 Gb;Inquire

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