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road signs that sense when you\'re using your phone behind the wheel and shame you with a warning on a screen are being tested in norwich

by:KJTDQ     2020-05-09
Drivers who use their phones while driving will be humiliated by a groundbreaking new roadside detection system.
These signs can detect when a mobile phone inside the vehicle transmits a digital signal, whether it\'s a call, a text message, or an online browsing.
The signs then flash a mobile phone symbol with lines to remind the driver not to touch the phone while driving.
They are currently being tested in Norwich, but if successful, they may become a public place on the streets of the globe.
Scroll down to watch the first of the three videos, 6,000 ($8,000)
Norwich\'s road is introducing electronic signs, their first trial in a city in the UK.
Although these signs do not judge whether the driver or passenger is using the phone, it is hoped that they will help remind people of the dangers of using the phone while driving.
The road safety team at Norfolk County Council worked with Westcotec, a vehicle sign technology company, to develop the technology.
The technology cannot record the registration or fine of the car, but the data it collects will be shared with the police in order to carry out potential strikes in the future.
Chris Spinks from Westcotec\'s sales and marketing team said he hoped it would provide law enforcement with a general view on the most prevalent illegal use.
Westcotec, based in Dereham, Norfolk, is working with authorities around the world --
Argentina, Bologna and New Zealand
The realization of mobile phone early warning technology.
\"The purpose of this technology is to alert drivers to the law and let them put down their phones,\" said spenkes.
After tougher laws were introduced last year, those caught by British police using their mobile phones on the steering wheel will face a £ 200 fine and a 6-point license.
In the United States and Australia, states have different laws on drivers using mobile phones and other electronic products.
Norfolk police have been particularly keen to crack down on the use of the phone on the steering wheel, and more than 120 people have been found guilty in ringing --
Run in the county in January.
Jonathan Chapman, inspector of the Norfolk Road Police Department, said: \"We will use this information in the future to help us target drivers, but the information is simple --
Don\'t worry about your phone when you\'re driving.
\"Using a phone on a wheel is one of the four deadly road crimes that can have devastating consequences if it causes fatal or serious collisions.
The new system includes a sensor that can detect vehicles with active 2g, 3g and 4g phone signals.
When the sensor receives that the driver is calling, texting, or data browsing, the LED warning sign that is located a short distance on the road flashes.
The warning sign displays a glowing phone icon on bright red circles and diagonal lines.
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